Quality and reproducibility issues encountered during clinical development
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Reproducibility is a foundational element of the scientific method, a benchmark upon which the reliability of an experiment can be tested. However, the field is facing alarmingly high irreproducibility rates as illustrated in various industry publications, with reports ranging from 50% to 80% of published results not being reproducible. It has been estimated that in the US alone, $28B in funding is spent on preclinical research that is not reproducible. This estimation does not even consider the impact on delaying translational research and causing high failure rates observed for the development of new treatments.
This webinar is dedicated to quality and reproducibility issues encountered during clinical development. Christine Toneatti from ECRIN addresses how to ensure high quality of data collected during and after clinical trials. She highlights the importance of reusing and sharing of datasets and how best to rely on existing datasets and profit from what was done earlier. Raphaël Porcher from APHP/Université de Paris gives an insight on biomarker utility.
An interactive Q&A session concludes this 60-minute-webinar.
Quality and reproducibility webinar 6 – Issues related to clinical development (
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