
Dashboard doorlooptijd geneesmiddelen (ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport – VWS): an overview of the phase of reimbursement (submission, assessment or negotiation) of expensive new medicines and lead times per phase (in Dutch)

HelpdeskRM (Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht): helpdesk to answer any questions you may have related to regenerative medicine (in Dutch)

Rare diseases clinical trials toolbox (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network): a practical and guided toolbox on the requirements in all phases of a clinical trial (with special focus on investigator-initiated trials for rare diseases)

Clinical research metadata repository (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network): a searchable database of all registered clinical studies, together with related documents such as results, papers, protocols and data sets, whenever those objects are available

ECA tools (ECA foundation): information and interpretation of new or updated GMP guidances aimed to move towards a harmonised set of GMP and GDP guidelines

Agora toolbox (ECA ATMP Working Group): a collection of documents assembled in the AGORA project on ATMP-related applications, protocols, templates, guidance, training and GMP. Access requires registration for a free membership.

ATMP Sweden resources (ATMP Sweden): support resources published by ATMP Sweden such as a regulatory guide, commercial aspects and project reports.

Advanced Therapies BioPharmaX (ATBX) translational ecosystem (T2Evolve): a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder platform for T2Evolve, DRAGON and imSAVAR members to access meetings and participate in projects

Do you know an ATMP-related tool that is missing on this page? Let us know and we will add it to provide an overview as complete as possible!